Forest Fields Social Club

The Forest Fields Social Club (FFSC) is a private members club, which means that you’ve got to be a member or a guest to come in. Please visit us – guests are very welcome & membership is easy.

The bar is a space where people can socialise, organise and meet with like-minded people. It’s not controlled by a landlord who decides who can and can’t come in — you (the membership) do that.

What do we have in common?

Loosely speaking the social club is for people who believe in the principles of mutual aid, voluntary co-operation and organisation without hierarchy. So if you’re racist, homophobic or want to live in an authoritarian state, don’t bother joining!

The DIY Ethic

It’s the members’ club — we make it happen. Like the Sumac Centre, the bar is run entirely by volunteers. There are no paid staff. The day-to-day running of the bar is carried out by the Bar Collective, who are volunteers from the club membership. Even if you are not part of the Bar Collective, as members of the club you are encouraged to participate to help run it and make it a better space. When we achieve a society without bosses there will be no servants — if it needs doing, do it yourself!

How you could help

veggiesparty_9– attend regular members’ meetings to have your say in how the bar evolves
– join the bar collective
– be creative to make a nicer space in which to socialise
– be friendly and welcoming to our other members
– bring back your glasses!
– don’t chuck fag butts in the loo!
– sign up for the cleaning rota!

Everything sold and used in the bar is vegan. Most commercial beer is made using isinglass (fish bladders), and a lot of wine contains blood, bonemeal or egg white.

If you are vegetarian or vegan you can drink here without worrying. We’re also going to try organic, fairtrade and nonalcoholic stuff where we can.

Drink for the Revolution!

The Forest Field’s Social Club rents space from the Sumac Centre when the Club is running. This contributes Sumac’s mortgage, maintenance and all the associated cost of running a Social Centre. If there is any surplus in excess of this it will be donated to activist and social change projects decided at members’ meetings.

Volunteers are always welcome to help in our bar!

For more info on how to get involved, contact us.

Sumac Bar

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1 Comment

  1. veggiespat

    Check opening times at Sumac Events

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