For general introduction start at the sumac-for-hire page.
Sumac Centre Room Booking Policy agreed at Sumac meeting on 18th April 2022.
The Sumac Centre exists to promote, support and provide resources for, radical social change and it aims to make the centre accessible to all regardless of culture, sex, race, sexuality, or other aspects of individual identity.
The Sumac Centre provides space for groups & organisations to meet, hold gatherings or events provided both the ethos of the group/organisation and the purpose of the meeting/event/gathering does not conflict with the Sumac Centre’s secondary rules and ethical policies. Political parties or organised religions are not permitted to promote themselves at the centre.
The Sumac Centre asks for donations to cover costs of opening the centre for groups but acknowledges that some groups have no or little funds, whilst other are funded in some way and will be able to make contributions towards these costs.
Suggested contribution per (roughly) 3 hour session (morning, afternoon, evening)
- £15 base rate for voluntary, unfunded organisations
- £30 rate for funded individuals and small, local groups
- £45 rate for statutory (e.g. national) groups
- £25 for substantial use of kitchen
- £7 per hour for kitchen workspace for vegan businesses
- Teas, coffees etc by donation
All bookings must be booked by email.
In addition, mailbox facilities are available for just £25/year.
Payment should be made to “The Sumac Centre” (currently) at Virgin Bank, sort code 05-06-41, account no 66802551
Payments or collections by cash or cheque should be passed to the Treasurer with a note of the name of the group/organisation and the date of the room hire.
The monthly admin meeting of the Sumac Centre may consider room hire at less than these rates for small groups where the cost of room hire can only be raised by way of individual donations given at the meeting by members of the group.
Return to the event submission guidelines to see the information to submit.
In 2013 there was a pdf with further info, including rules and procedures, secondary rules, Forest Fields Social club rules, room booking procedure and a bit about mail boxes.