For general introduction start at the sumac-for-hire page.
To find an available date check the Sumac Diary. Note that some dates may be subject to conversations that are not finalized, so your choice of date might not be available until confirmed by email.
Click here for room booking rates & policies.
Contact us by email with your event proposal and phone number.
Copy the following into your email enquiry.
- Event Title
- Event Description
- Event details:
- Day
- Date
- Event times
- Set-up time
- Expected numbers
- Is it a public event?
- Do you have (vegan) catering plans or requests? See below.
- Would you like a bar? See below.
- Do you need PA (only available by arrangement)
- Organiser Details:
- Group Name
- Website
- Social Media links
- Email address (not for publication)
- Phone number (not for publication)
- Insurance: Do you have appropriate insurance to cover your proposed activities? If not we can discuss whether you could be covered by Sumac’s insurance.
Some information might not be available until the event is confirmed.
- Event Website: Organiser’s event page and/or Facebook event link
- Send an event image – it really helps the event stand out.
The Forest Fields Social Club bar is open 12-4pm on Sundays, for some evening events and on other days by arrangement. There may be a small service change at ‘non-bar’ times. Forest Fields Social Club volunteers can discuss this with you.
You might like to prepare and share a 7pm Saturday People’s Kitchen meal as part of your event, or ask Veggies Catering Campaign to cater, or bring your own vegan refreshments.
Once your event has been confirmed post details to The Sumac Centre community group on Facebook. To increase its reach you could also invite the Sumac Centre page to co-host.
Now click here for room booking rates & policies.
When you have checked all the requested details Contact us by email with your event proposal and phone number.