People’s Kitchen is a community café where people can get a good vegan meal for a suggested donation.
Some of the funds raised keep the Sumac open. The rest raises funds for grassroots causes, nominate by the group running each evening.
People’s Kitchen often compliments fundraising events at the Sumac Centre, with extra funds raised to benefit the benefit. If you would like to hold a fundraising event, including a People’s Kitchen meal, please check out the sumac-for-hire pages then contact us!
There’s usually a suggested donation of £5 for the meal, with £25 to cover Sumac’s costs.
You can also follow Peoples Kitchen news via Sumac Centre Facebook page.
To see the nature of any particular PK event or to find which nights are not yet signed up to a particular cause, check the Sumac Diary.
For the Cooks!
People’s Kitchen relies wholly on volunteers. From chopping veg through to heading up the menu, there are hands-on opportunities at every level for anyone wishing to find out more about vegan cookery. ‘Chefs’, cookery assistants, serfs and washers-up welcome – guidance given!
So you want to cook People’s Kitchen? Here’s what you do…
(work in progress from Veggies archive)
On your first use of the kitchen, to find out where everything is, print off & work through this health& safety / food hygiene checklist.
Need more help?
You might find useful tips & recipe ideas from this advice for Cooking for Events and Gatherings or all these links for info, resources & recipes.